I studied Marketing at Uni then dived straight into the advertising and media world. Working for Disney, Dirty Martini and finally Verizon Media (who own HuffPost, Yahoo, Xbox and other platforms.)

To start with I focussed on digital and tv advertising, then moved into project management, and finally into content partnerships sales (which I loved).


I enjoyed my job but something wasn’t right. You know that niggly feeling that you should be somewhere else, doing something else?

I’d always wanted to work for myself but never knew doing what, so I got a coach to figure it out and fell in love with coaching. I had no idea if I wanted to be a coach, but my pull towards it was so strong. I trusted my gut and signed up for a Diploma in Transformational Life Coaching with Animas at Regent’s Uni.

Following that gut feeling was the best decision I ever made.


I started my coaching practice whilst I was working full time. Studying, running client sessions and building the business before and after work. The more I worked with people and saw the impact, the more I fell in love with coaching and out of love with my corporate life.

I took the leap and left my job in Jan 2020 to build out my practice.


The one big thing I wasn’t prepared for was the loneliness of running my own business. The freedom, the autonomy, the creativity were all great. But I’d gone from working in big teams with big personalities to working on my own at my kitchen table.

I also hadn’t accounted for how much I loved advertising and marketing. It’s a fun, creative industry and I was good at it.

For years Scarlett and I would talk about starting up an agency and now seemed like the perfect time. I could use my marketing and sales skills, work with creative teams and build a business with my best friend.

So LUNA + LION was born in March 2020 (a week before lockdown…).


The core values for L+L are energy and bravery (hence the name). We started the agency to get energy from building a business we loved and to do something brave. Those values are still true and keep us moving forward.

From branding projects with global corporates like Molson Coors, to working with solopreneurs starting up from their kitchen table; it’s been the best adventure I’ve ever had and has taught me more than I could imagine.

Importantly, it’s made me a better business coach. The ongoing awareness and experience I have outside of coaching is really valuable. I also wouldn’t now be so driven to support Co-Founders had I not been part of that dynamic.


For at least 3 years I’ve been asked if I coach Co-Founders. I suppose it makes sense right? I’m a business coach who’s also a Co-Founder. I was always drawn towards it and that pull got stronger and stronger until I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

It was 100% the right move as the more I connect with business partners, the more I see the value in the work I do. It’s THE most interesting, complex, important relationship yet is so under-supported.

Maximising and protecting your partnership as you scale a business is crucial. And I see firsthand in my own partnership, the immense value that is unlocked when you dedicate energy into really understanding each other and communicating openly.

Even when I’ve had 1:1 coaching, I’ve wanted someone who can approach it with the first-hand understanding that I’m part of a wider partnership, which I’ve struggled to find.

I don’t feel a niggle that something is missing anymore. I’m supposed to be here. I’m excited to continue expanding my work with Co-Founders and serving wider business owners and their teams as they rise and thrive.